Connect Uplisting to 1000+ apps (Google Sheets, Airtable, SMS & more)
What is Zapier?
Zapier is a tool that allows you to connect apps you use every day to automate tasks and save time. You can connect 1,000+ integrated apps together to make your own automations. It's easy enough that anyone can build their own app workflows with just a few clicks.

Connect to all your key apps and 1000's more
How to find your Zapier API key
Login to Uplisting and click on the Connect menu option. Click on the settings button in the Zapier section to generate your API Key.
Example of how you can use the Uplisting Zapier app
Use Uplisting to sync guest contact details to your phone via Google Contacts. When a guest calls, you can answer them by name.
Here's how to Sync Google Contacts with your mobile device
Other ways to automate your operations
Accounting and invoicing
Each time a booking is imported into Uplisting create an accounting entry. Filter by bookings and send those guests an invoice.
Store guest details in your favourite marketing tool for direct marketing.
Automated SMS messaging
- Send an alert by SMS when a new booking is synced to Uplisting
- Send an SMS to your housekeeping team when a new booking on one or more listings is imported
- Send an SMS to your guests
Operational management
Sync booking information to Google Sheets, Excel, Monday, Airtable and more. Use this synced information to layer operational services on top.
Contract signing
Automatic contract creation and signing via Hellosign, DocuSign etc
Updated about 3 years ago