Price and availability settings


What happens if a listing becomes unavailable as a guest is in the process of booking?

It's surprisingly common for guests to leave a booking payment page open for hours (if not days!). Not to worry as Uplisting checks a listing is available when the guest enters their credit card information. You don't need to worry about double bookings.

Prices and availability are automatically synced from your Uplisting listing, instantly. When a guest selects their date range the listing page checks for the current prices and displays those to the user. These prices include any taxes, extra guest charges and cleaning fees.

Price settings

The following prices are configurable

  1. Nightly prices
  2. Cleaning fee
  3. Extra guest charges
  4. Taxes (which are optional)
    • Property rent tax (eg. VAT, GST and HST)
    • Fixed tax per booking
    • Fixed tax per person, per night
    • Fixed nightly tax
  5. Discounts

Availability settings

The following availability settings are configurable

  1. Nightly availability
  2. Minimum length of stay
  3. Booking window
  4. Closed for arrival

The following availability settings are not configurable

Note: if any of these are a blocker please let us know and we can review and implement

  1. Minimum advance notice (eg. don't accept bookings unless they are 48 hours in future)