Turno (formerly TurnoverBnB)

The smart way to schedule, pay, and find Airbnb vacation rental cleaners and Airbnb cleaning services.

How to connect to Turno

Select Uplisting on the Turno integration page

Go to Settings > Integrations (here).


Select Uplisting on the TurnoverBnB integration page

Copy your API key on Uplisting

Go to Connect > API (here) and copy your Uplisting API key.


Copy your API key on Uplisting

Paste your Uplisting API key on Turno

Paste your API and click the 'Next' button.


Paste your Uplisting API key on TurnoverBnB

Turno will import your properties from Uplisting

You can create new Turno properties from the properties they import from your Uplisting account, or you can link the Uplisting properties to existing Turno properties (or both).

Once complete, click the 'Link' button at the bottom of the page.


Turno will import your properties from Uplisting

View your bookings on your Turno scheduler

Turno and Uplisting are now linked. Turno will automatically sync new bookings.


View your bookings on your Turno scheduler