Guest Identification Status Reports

If you use the Guest Identification Feature through Uplisting, here is how to find which guests have been charged in a month


Guest ID Charges

Guest Identifications are charged per verification rather than per Guest, so this will need to be taken into account if there is a disparity from the charged invoice to the report totals.

  • Navigate to the Advanced Reports section here:
  • Find any report and clear the filters.
    • Note, you can do this with any report and then Save as New so you won't lose the previous report filter settings.
  • Click Filter > Add Filter
  • Filter one: Select Booking Dates, Creation Date, Calendar Period, Last Month.
  • Filter two: Pre-arrival, "Guest Identity status", and select "Succeeded".

Please note that we charge Guest Identity verifications in arrears for the whole month i.e. we'll charge all of January's Guest Verifications in February.