Linked listings
Linked listings allow you to share the availability of 2 or more properties on multiple booking site accounts automatically.
Introduction to linked listings
Here are a few examples of how you can use linked listings to streamline your listing availability.
1. Rent an entire property and rooms/properties within
If you rent an entire property and the rooms within, you can use the linked listings feature to sync availabilities.
How to block an entire property when one or more child listings are booked
- Open the linked listing settings on the entire property and select the individual child listings that will mark the entire property as unavailable when a booking comes in. Save.
- Open the linked listing settings on the individual child listings and select the entire property. Save.
- Done! If the entire property is booked, then any linked child listings will be marked as unavailable and vice versa.
2. Rent an entire property and one or more nested properties within
Uplisting linked listings offer great flexibility for nested properties.
In some cases, you may have an entire property, with individual child listings, where one or more child listings also has linked child listings. Uplisting's linked listings can cater for this use case.
When ROOM1B is booked, APT1 and Master are marked as unavailable. ROOM1A and APT2 are left open.
How to block nested properties
- As above, open the linked listing settings on the entire property and select the individual child listings that will mark the entire property as unavailable when a booking comes in. Save.
- Open the linked listing settings on the individual child listings and select the entire property. Save.
- Open the linked listings settings on the child listing that has its own child listings and select those listings. Save.
- Open the 2nd level nested child listing linked listing settings and select the 1st level child listing. Save.
- Done!
3. Two or more listings of the same property
Uplisting also allows you to link properties in series. Those of you with duplicate listings of the same property can use linked listings to mark dates as unavailable when any of the others is booked.
ℹ️ There is no limit to the number of listings you can link in series. You can also link properties across multiple Airbnb,, and other booking site accounts.
When APT2 is booked, APT1, APT3, and APT4 are marked as unavailable.
How to link listings in series:
- Choose a listing and select all dependent listings on the linked listings panel
- Repeat for all duplicates
Linked Listing ChargingIf you are creating new listings then this will be reflected in your subscription i.e. if you add 5 new listings (linked otherwise) this will add an additional $100/£80/€90 to your subscription per month (plus any applicable taxes).
Updated 5 months ago