Sending only Confirmed bookings via iCal
iCal Bookings currently
If you're using an iCal connection with 3rd party software, it's worth noting that in some instances Uplisting will automatically send Pending bookings via this method. If, for example, you are using a Remote Locking/Key Lock software that uses the iCal method then this would mean that the lock notification will be sent to early.
Send only Confirmed bookings via iCal
In order to ensure that no pending bookings are sent you can simply add an extra part to the end of the iCal URL:
This will tell the system not to send the notification if the booking status is Pending.
An example of an iCal URL using this may look like this:
If you have any queries in regards to this please reach out to the Support team on Live Chat or via email to [email protected]
Can I add more than 1 parameter?
Yes, if you have existing URL appends/parameters you can simply add the above mentioned "&pending=false" onto the end of your URL.
Updated over 2 years ago