How to refund a direct booking
Refunding a booking
You can refund a portion or the total amount of a direct booking.
Refunding payment does not automatically cancel a booking.
How to refund a direct booking
- The refund payment buttons are displayed on both the booking summary and booking price tabs
- Click the refund button (if the booking is a split payment booking there will be two buttons, one for each payment)
- Enter the amount you wish to refund. Uplisting will display the total payment amount or whatever payment amount is left if you have already refunded a portion of the booking.
- Click to confirm. The amount you selected has now been refunded to the guest's card.
- Once you refund the payment, you most likely need to cancel the booking (explained below).
Note it can take up to 10 days for the funds to display on the guest's statement.
Updated about 3 years ago