Listing content requirements

How to set your listing headline, description, location, # of bedrooms etc


To update your listing headline, go to the individual property settings > Details > Homeaway details, edit the listing headline, and then save.


To update your listing description, go to the individual property settings > Details > Homeaway details, edit the listing description, and then save.


To update your property’s address and latitude/longitude, go to the individual property settings > Details > Address, edit the listing address, and then save. Use the “search for property address” input to find the exact address.

Bedrooms and bathrooms

To specify the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, go to the individual property settings > Details > Listing basics, edit the information, and then save.

Maximum number of guests

To specify the maximum number of guests that a property can accommodate, go to the individual property settings > Details > Listing basics, edit the maximum number of guests, and then save.

Minimum length of stay

To specify a minimum length of stay for a property, you have two options:

  • Set MLOS globally on a per property basis for all dates. Go to the individual property settings > More Settings > Restrictions, edit Minimum length of stay, and then save.

  • Or, set MLOS for a particular date range per property (or multiple properties) using the bulk MLOS feature. On the Calendar screen, select the MLOS update button, enter a date range, enter the desired MLOS, select at least on property, and then save.


Only the first 50 photos feed to HomeAway. The recommended resolution is 1920x1080 pixels and the maximum photo size is 20 MB.

Go to the individual property settings > Details > Photos and either drag and drop new images or click click here to upload from your computer. You can hover over an image to delete it.