Uplisting and PriceLabs integrate directly. PriceLabs can update your prices, min stay settings and other restrictions.
How to connect to PriceLabs
On Uplisting
- Login as the Account Owner then find your Partner API key on the Connect > API screen (here).
- Copy this key
On PriceLabs
Click the Red "Add your listings" button on your dashboard. Select Uplisting from the drop-down menu, enter your API key, and click "Connect"
That's it! You should now see your Uplisting listings on your PriceLabs dashboard.
Once sync occurs, you'll see your PriceLabs rates and a minimum length of stay on your Uplisting calendar.
My prices aren't syncing to Airbnb
Ensure you have disabled dynamic price syncing on the Automate > Dynamic pricing sync settings page (here).
Also, ensure that the API Key in use has access to the required listings. Account Owners by default have access to all listings and settings.
My prices are getting reset on Uplisting
Ensure you have disabled dynamic price syncing on the Automate > Dynamic pricing sync settings page (here).
Moving from another Channel manager to Uplisting with Pricelabs
If you're moving to Uplisting from another Channel Manager and wish to connect your Pricelabs account as well then there are some extra steps that you may need to take prior to switching.
Details of this process can be found on Pricelabs help page here: Transitioning between PMS's
Help from Pricelabs
For assistance from Pricelabs directly, please check out their Help Center here, or Integrating with Uplisting or by signing in to you Pricelabs account and using their Ticket system
Updated over 1 year ago