How to set the page title

What is the page title?

A title tag is the HTML element used to specify the title of a webpage. You see the page title in your browser tab for example (image below).


Why is a page title important?

  1. Page titles show up on Search engine results pages (SERPs) and when a website is shared on social media. It's often the first thing a potential visitor to your website will see. It’s important the title tag entices the user to click through to your website.
  2. Search engines like Google take your page title into account when ranking your website.

How to enter or change your page title

  1. Go to Settings > General Settings here.
  2. Enter your Display Name
  3. Save
  4. Go to the Direct page to view your listings.
  5. Copy or preview your listings and you'll see they now have a subdomain included.