Daily occupancy and revenue


The daily occupancy and revenue report provides a daily overview of occupancy and revenue for one or more properties.

Why is this report helpful

A few examples:

  1. If you have multi-units, you can get a sense of revenue and occupancy over time.
  2. Calculate Average Daily Rates of specific periods (eg. weekly)
  3. Get a sense of how occupancy changes over time (if you run the report daily/weekly and compare)
  4. Help make decisions based on occupancy. Reduce rates, increase rates etc.

How do I create a report?

  1. Select the 'Reports' icon on the navigation
  2. On the Booking reports panel, select a date range
  3. Under report type, select Daily occupancy and revenue.
  4. Select the properties you wish to be included
    5 . Select 'Request report.'
  5. The report will be sent to your email within a few minutes.

Example report

Below is a sample daily occupancy and revenue report.


What if I have multiple currencies across properties

Each currency will appear on the report with its revenue and ADR.

Occupancy is always 0% or 100%

When viewing the report for one property, the occupancy can only be 0% (not booked) or 100% (booked).