How to switch to Uplisting from other software

You're in good company! 50% of members made the switch from another platform.

Moving to new software doesn't need to be daunting. It's possible to switch in a few hours, honestly.
We are available to help if you need us.

Step by step

These are the steps we advise members to take when switching from other software

  1. Connect to Airbnb in read-only mode
  2. Connect Stripe
  3. Go through the Vrbo connection process (HomeAway) and call the Vrbo Implementation Team if you already have a Vrbo account. This can take a few days so best to get started early.
  4. Set up all your automated messages, reviews, etc.
  5. Create any existing direct and Vrbo bookings (if you have 10+ direct and Vrbo bookings we can import them for you)
  6. Disconnect your existing software on Airbnb here
  7. Upgrade to a full-sync Airbnb connection on Uplisting
  8. Connecting to First enter Booking windows of 0 on each listing. This blocks off all dates on Airbnb and your direct booking website during the time it takes to connect
  9. Connect to
  10. Remove booking windows
  11. Good to go!

Optional onboarding services

  1. Custom property attribute tags import. If you have 10+ custom property attributes we can import these for you via a Google Sheet.
  2. Direct bookings import - Google sheet